Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Don't drink and drive if you're a goldfish

I get annoyed about plenty of things. Well, I say annoyed. More I talk things through loudly in my head and have to pour them out on this space - and you then read them, it's like therapy, although I have no intention of paying you.

I think if you look at 50% of the blogs I've written they are filled with annoyance - 80% of them about Myleene Klass (I'll explain my dislike for her one day).

What got to me most yesterday was this poster. Now, I know it's for a good reason. Drink Driving is possibly one of the worst things you can do, after watching BBC3 of course. But this poster makes absolutely no sense.

Firstly - "He drinks all day...". No he doesn't. He's a fish. He uses his gills to extract oxygen from the water in order to breathe. If he was drinking it all day he'd end up massive from water retention and there'd be nothing else in the glass.

Secondly "...but he'd never dream of driving.". No. I imagine he wouldn't. Because he's a fish. Without doing them down, fish aren't the cleverest and even if they were I doubt one would look out of it's bowl, see a car and think "If only I could drive?" because if he did, his next thought would be "How the hell do I have this level of consiousness?" or "How did Two Pints of Lager and Packet of Crisps get so many series?"

In a sense "he'd never dream of driving" is utterly correct. Because we have no idea if fish have the ability to dream really do we? Or have scientists worked that out, and discovered that, yes they can, but they draw the line at imagining themselves behind the wheel of an Austin Allegro.

Honestly, my head hurt so much after seeing this poster I needed a pint or two to recover. And a nice drive home. I'm joking of course. Remember, the only safe limit is none - and not 6, as my brother's mate found out when they took his licence away.

For other great posters like this, I like the one that was on the door of the local Shell Garage. It showed Michael Schumacher in his race car with some Shell Oil next to it and he was saying "I use Shell oil in my car...and so should you."

Yes Michael, but you only drive your car about a dozen times a year and when you do it's at 200mph round and round - it's not the same as popping to Tesco in a Nissan Micra - so I'm not sure the comparison works.

And it's not restricted to posters. There's an Oil of Olay advert at the moment that starts with the words "You don't need to take drastic measures with your skin...use Oil of Olay". OK, I've paraphrased a bit. But if you see the ad, check out the small print where it says "Olay results NOT comparable with drastic measures". Brilliant. A cream isn't the same as a surgeon hacking your face off.

I'm glad we were told.

Anyway, that's the session up now. I'll book in another one with the receptionist on my way out.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

How (not) to sell your house

We're currently in the process of selling of our house. I say 'in the process of', by which I mean I seem to have handed over a lot of money to estate agents so far and spent most weekends hoovering.

Whilst we haven't had an offer yet we have had plenty of people round to see the place. This is particularly pleasing as most news reports suggest that you are more likely to build a life size replica of Coventry out of sticklebricks, than sell your house.

When you are selling your house, you also get people offering you bizarre advice. Someone said to us "Oh, you should get Kirsty and Phil to help you move." - yes, because thats what they do isn't it? They sell your house for you. You've got that the wrong way round I think - presumably you think Supernanny gives speed to toddlers and suggests they smear jam on the wall?

I digress. So far our 'viewers' have fallen into three camps. The disinterested, who are probably thinking at some point about moving in the near future, possibly. Then there's the hopefuls - people who've either sold their house or are first time buyers and know that they could crush our moving dreams - oh, I can see that evil glint in their eyes.

Then there are the insane people. "Ideally I was looking for a 5th bedroom" said one woman. "Might I suggest you don't come to a 4 bedroom house then? Or did I not mention the SECRET INVISIBLE ROOM..." was what I thought of saying at the time, I didn't say of anything course - you're not allowed to be nasty to people who might buy your house. Even if they are clearly mental

Showing people around your house is always strange. As the missus works quite a few weekends, it's mainly me who has done the dozen or so viewings. It's become a bit like a standup routine now.

Everytime I show people the downstairs toilet I say "And here's the downstairs, as they call it. 'cloakroom'. Ideal for those times you have any 18th century nobles around who want to put their cloak somewhere.". As we go up the stairs I say "and these are the stairs" and when I show them one of the spare rooms I say "We call this the mummy's room, because thats where the mother in-law stays - nothing to do with Egyptian kings."

With people who clearly aren't going to buy the house I'm tempted to make things up such as:

"We've renovated the garden somewhat, well, we've moved the headstones."

"We considered converting the garage into a kitchen, the kitchen into a bedroom, the bedroom into the stairs and the stairs into a garage"

"I really like this room because I watched Batman Begins in it, have you seen it? I love it"

"I suppose some people might be put off by a ghost, but we find it a unique selling point."

"Every house has a negative point and ours is the fact that the utility room causes people to age at five times the normal speed. I tend to only pop in there when it's really necessary"

Fingers crossed we sell the place before I end up saying any of these out loud, or before I refer to the bedroom as 'where the magic happens'.

Save me from that and get on rightmove now.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Timmy and the resolutions

Disappointly that title isn't the name of my new band. Or is it? No. No it isn't. If i ever have a band the name will more than likely be Badgercull (it's a long story).

Anyway. New Year and time for resolutions.

Over the years I've made some pretty ambitious resolutions for the year. That one about learning to fly (not in plane, just physically being able to fly) never worked out. And the one about inventing a machine to destroy Myleene Klass is still very much in the blueprint stage.

So this year here's a few I want to stick to. Perhaps you can try them too. Or perhaps not, what am i? Your mother?

Complain more when it's appropriate
When it comes to complaining, I'm awfully British. In a restaurant I can order a cheese toasted sandwich, they turn up with a lump of plutonium attached to a picture of Richard Littlejohn's backside with a side order of diesel flavoured paper clips...and when they ask "was everything ok with your meal?" I'll mumble something positive. Well no more. From now on I shall say when things are wrong. Conversely, that then means I can praise when things are right. Here's to a year of either discounted meals and apologies, or waiters piddling in my dessert.

Eat more fruit
Sounds tricky, until you realise that last year I ate the equivalent of 3 apples. I can surely do better than this? Ok, I don't like fruit and veg as much as sweets and curries (come on, I'm 35, I'm still young) so if I eat 4 apples I will have succeeded. And tictacs, they're fruit aren't they?

Tell people when they are being rude
Probably similar to my first one, but this is inspired by people who generally are rude and need to be told. Case in point, last year someone turned up late to an event I was at and apologised by saying "Oh, it's my son's carol concert/birthday/first vampire communion etc." They then proceeded to show half a dozen pictures of said event to me on a phone. I tried to be nice and showed some pics of our cats doing amusing things. The response to which was "I don't like cats." And in turn that led me to say "Yes, I don't like other people's children either - but I'm not rude enough to say it to their face." I must do more of this. I consequently look forward to being on the dole by March.

Stop calling people 'squire'
I do this quite a lot. In some cases, as a term of gentlemanly greeting - that's fine. But I also do it a lot when I forget someone's name. Honestly, it's a terrible habit and something I have to not do anymore. Please pull me up on it.

Finally write that book of short stories
Yes, there's a set of horror themed short stories in my head that might/might not involve the following - a set of haunted golf clubs, a dog that turns out to be a robot, the internet in your eyeball, a possessed polaroid photo and an express elevator to Croydon. Yes, some/all/none of that must be written.

I'll report back in a year on my progress. Until then, speak to you later squire.
